Hawaiian Woodrose seeds - Sacred Plants - 10 Samen
  • Hawaiian Woodrose seeds - Sacred Plants - 10 Samen

Morning Glory Samen von Fantasia Aroma 10 Gramm Samen

Morning Glory seeds

- Sacred Plants -

10 Gramm Samen in Dose

Seeds, Whole, 10 Gr from Hungary

Top quality viable Ipomea seeds, var. Heavenly Blue, Clarks Early

7,95 €

7,95 € 10 Gr. Dose

inkl. MwSt. zzgl. Versandkosten
sofort lieferbar

Morning Glory seeds

- Sacred Plants -

10 Gramm Samen in Dose

Seeds, Whole, 10 Gr from Hungary (SKU 3344)

Top quality viable Ipomea seeds, var. Heavenly Blue, Clarks Early

Ipomea Violacea is a member of the Bindweed or Morning Glory family (commonly grown as ornamentals), as is Turbina Corymbosa, the Ololiuhqui (round things) used by Aztecs and other indigenous groups of Central America, mainly Mexico. Traditionally used in divination, the seeds of some varieties contain LSA (ergine). Nowadays, many varieties are known, including Heavenly Blue, Flying Saucers, and Pearly Gates.

Other names: Ipomoea tricolor, Ipomea Violacea, Ipomea tricolor, Flying saucers, Pearly gates, Ipomea, Morning Glory, Tlitliltzin (the Nahuatl word for "black"), Tlitliltzin, Yaxce’lil, Quiebraplato, La’aja Shnash, Seed of the Virgin, Semillas de la Virgen.

Inverkehrbringer: Fantasia Aroma UG - Staschwitzer Hauptstr. 33 - 06729 Elsteraue

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